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Places In Between

Michel Reis / Marc Demuth / Paul Wiltgen

Places In Between

Price: € 17.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917117424
Catnr: DMCHR 71174
Release date: 29 July 2016
1 CD
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€ 17.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71174
Release date
29 July 2016

About the album

Pianist Michel Reis, bassist Marc Demuth and drummer Paul Wiltgen furnish resounding proof that something new can be created from something old at any time. The trio from Luxembourg wants to make it possible for their listeners to experience and celebrate the effect of music and do not want to abuse it for the purpose of self-promotion in any way. Each one slips into the respective topic, grows together with it and becomes a part of it. They are the fertilizers for their own works that let them grow and flourish through careful dosing of their outstanding instrumental skills. In this way, magically beautiful melodies are created from seemingly banal note sequences that go without detours into your ears and stay there for a long time. No cheesy, slushy songs mind you, but instead refined constructs full of emotionality, empathy, virtuosity, depth and hymnic radiance. Indeed, piano trios can achieve such things today. They can tell stories that captivate and touch without wo

Suchen Sie auch Herausforderungen, endlich wieder mal eine Abwechslung, die das durch permanente Gleichförmigkeit ermüdete Ohr wieder für den Jazz hellhörig werden lässt? Aber doch nicht mit einem Pianotrio!

Warum eigentlich nicht? Vielleicht ist es ja gerade der Reiz, mit der sattsam bekannten Routine zu brechen. Das Herauslösen aus starren Rollen und Konventionen, das Niederreißen von gewachsenen Strukturen, das fröhliche Bemalen von grauen Mauern, hinter denen solch gruselige Begriffe wie „Barjazz“ oder „Fahrstuhlberieselung“ lauern. Der Pianist Michel Reis, der Bassist Marc Demuth und der Schlagzeuger Paul Wiltgen erbringen den tönenden Beweis dafür, dass aus etwas Altem jederzeit etwas Neues entstehen kann. Wenn man nur willens ist, die eigene gedankliche Limitierung infrage zu stellen – sowohl als Musiker wie auch als Zuhörer.

Aber wer will das schon. Das Spiel mit dem Pianotrio verlief bislang meist nach demselben Schema: Thema-Solo-Solo-Solo-Thema, ein bisschen Swing, ein geschmackvolles Schlendern an den harmonischen Rändern, das intellektuell eingefärbte Dekonstruieren und Wiederzusammensetzen von Standards, viel Bill Evans und Keith Jarrett, aber nur wenig unverbrauchte Ideen. Genau darin liegt die Chance für ein klingendes Dreieck wie Reis-Demuth-Wiltgen. Das Trio aus Luxemburg will die Wirkung der Musik für jeden seiner Hörer erlebbar machen, zelebrieren und keineswegs zum Zwecke der Selbstinszenierung missbrauchen. Jeder schlüpft in das jeweilige Thema hinein, verwächst mit ihm, wird ein Teil davon. Sie sind der Dünger für ihre eigenen Werke, lassen sie durch behutsame Dosierung ihrer herausragenden instrumentalen Fähigkeiten wachsen und gedeihen. Auf diese Weise entstehen aus scheinbar banalen Notenfolgen bezaubernd schöne Melodien, die ohne Umwege ins Ohr gehen und dort für lange Zeit verweilen. Keine kitschigen Schnulzen wohlgemerkt, sondern raffinierte Konstrukte voller Emotionalität, Empathie, Virtuosität, Tiefgang und hymnischer Strahlkraft.

Ja doch, so etwas können Pianotrios heute auch: Geschichten erzählen, die ohne Worte fesseln und berühren. Aufmerksamkeit wecken und dennoch komplett auf Effekte, Tricks und Muskelspiele verzichten. Definitions- und Stilgrenzen einfach aushebeln und trotzdem ein Spiegelbild dessen abgeben, was Jazz 2016 sein soll und früher in Händen des Esbjörn Svensson Trios vielleicht einmal war – ein vorurteils- und klischeefreies musikalisches Abenteuer, das die individuelle Handschrift der jeweiligen Protagonisten trägt.

Diese Kunst beherrschen Michel Reis, Marc Demuth und Paul Wiltgen auf ganz erstaunliche Weise. Das nicht nur in der Namensgebung gleichberechtigte Trio existiert bereits seit den Schulzeiten 1998 und arbeitet mit einer kurzen Unterbrechung bis heute zusammen. Drei Ausnahmetalente an ihren Instrumenten suchten und fanden im Laufe der Jahre die „Places In Between“, die Zwischenräume neben den zahlreichen Klischees und Traditionen. Dort bewegen sich eingängige Themen, ansteckender Groove und vielschichtige Rhythmen wie in einem Mobile. Niemand dominiert den anderen.

Dass sich Michel Reis das Mysterium der Improvisation mithilfe einer fundierten klassischen Ausbildung erschloss, meint man aus jedem Anschlag heraushören zu können. Nach Studien am Berklee College of Music in Boston sowie am New England Conservatory spielte und arbeitete der junge Luxemburger Pianist mit Legenden wie Joe Lovano, Danilo Perez, Dave Holland, George Garzone, Ran Blake, Frank Carlberg, Esperanza Spalding und Hal Crook. Genauso wie seine Freunde Marc Demuth und Paul Wiltgen zählt er zu denjenigen, die eifrig, beharrlich und mit Erfolg an einem neuen Vokabular des europäischen Jazz basteln. Demuth (Michael Brecker, Kenny Werner, Slide Hampton, Hein van de Geyn, Florian Weber, Jef Neve) gilt als eine der interessantesten und stärksten neuen Tieftöner des Kontinents, während sich „Big Player“ wie Kurt Rosenwinkel, Mike Moreno, Dave Binney, Lage Lund oder Ambrose Akinmusire schon die vertrackten Rhythmus-Architekturen von Wiltgen, der wie Reis zeitweise in New York lebt, für ihre Performance sicherten.

Sie kommunizieren miteinander über ihre Instrumente. Ein perlendes, farbenreiches Klavier, ein treibend groovender Bass und ein tänzelndes, prickelndes Schlagzeug. Ein Pianotrio. Ja, doch! Es kann so verblüffend einfach, so spannend, so ergreifend sein.


Michel Reis (piano)

The Luxembourger Michel Reis first studied classical piano and then jazz piano in his native country before moving to Boston in the country of jazz's origins. He was not only able to study under many known jazz musicians, but also to perform with them: from Dave Holland to Joe Lovano and Esperanza Spaulding. He lives in New York in the meantime, but still maintains contact with Europe, as this CD proves. He has also toured worldwide and undertook two very successful tours in Japan. He is also going to play at several festivals and numerous clubs in Europe in 2015. This 'extraordinary pianist' (Down Beat) will certainly go his own way! Stefan Karl Schmid on saxophone and clarinet has understood the...
The Luxembourger Michel Reis first studied classical piano and then jazz piano in his native country before moving to Boston in the country of jazz's origins. He was not only able to study under many known jazz musicians, but also to perform with them: from Dave Holland to Joe Lovano and Esperanza Spaulding. He lives in New York in the meantime, but still maintains contact with Europe, as this CD proves. He has also toured worldwide and undertook two very successful tours in Japan. He is also going to play at several festivals and numerous clubs in Europe in 2015. This "extraordinary pianist" (Down Beat) will certainly go his own way! Stefan Karl Schmid on saxophone and clarinet has understood the concept and internalized it. With his clear, succinct and sensitive sounds, he plays around the melodies, gives them structure and adorns them with feeling in improvisations. The woodwind player trained in the USA and Cologne (and half-Icelander) has matured into an established player despite his youth, which his comprehensive list of recordings proves.
Can you imagine a drummer who fits as well into this ensemble as Jonas Burgwinkel? Not really. Extremely sensitive, technically brilliant, unbelievably imaginative: these characteristics distinguish him. Numerous prizes and distinctions have been rightfully awarded to him (Echo Jazz, WDR Jazzpreis, etc.) and make him one of the drummers most in demand. This is demonstrated by the more than 50 CDs, on which he contributed decisively.
He interacts outstandingly with the bassist, who is one of the most well-known musicians in Germany: Robert Landfermann. They form the rhythm group of the very successful Pablo Held Trios. His solid but repeatedly surprising bass lines also help shape this quartet. His technical skills seem unlimited, even if he need not prove that anymore. This is already the seventh album for Double Moon Records, on which he has played.


Paul Wiltgen (drums)


Michel Reis (piano)

The Luxembourger Michel Reis first studied classical piano and then jazz piano in his native country before moving to Boston in the country of jazz's origins. He was not only able to study under many known jazz musicians, but also to perform with them: from Dave Holland to Joe Lovano and Esperanza Spaulding. He lives in New York in the meantime, but still maintains contact with Europe, as this CD proves. He has also toured worldwide and undertook two very successful tours in Japan. He is also going to play at several festivals and numerous clubs in Europe in 2015. This 'extraordinary pianist' (Down Beat) will certainly go his own way! Stefan Karl Schmid on saxophone and clarinet has understood the...
The Luxembourger Michel Reis first studied classical piano and then jazz piano in his native country before moving to Boston in the country of jazz's origins. He was not only able to study under many known jazz musicians, but also to perform with them: from Dave Holland to Joe Lovano and Esperanza Spaulding. He lives in New York in the meantime, but still maintains contact with Europe, as this CD proves. He has also toured worldwide and undertook two very successful tours in Japan. He is also going to play at several festivals and numerous clubs in Europe in 2015. This "extraordinary pianist" (Down Beat) will certainly go his own way! Stefan Karl Schmid on saxophone and clarinet has understood the concept and internalized it. With his clear, succinct and sensitive sounds, he plays around the melodies, gives them structure and adorns them with feeling in improvisations. The woodwind player trained in the USA and Cologne (and half-Icelander) has matured into an established player despite his youth, which his comprehensive list of recordings proves.
Can you imagine a drummer who fits as well into this ensemble as Jonas Burgwinkel? Not really. Extremely sensitive, technically brilliant, unbelievably imaginative: these characteristics distinguish him. Numerous prizes and distinctions have been rightfully awarded to him (Echo Jazz, WDR Jazzpreis, etc.) and make him one of the drummers most in demand. This is demonstrated by the more than 50 CDs, on which he contributed decisively.
He interacts outstandingly with the bassist, who is one of the most well-known musicians in Germany: Robert Landfermann. They form the rhythm group of the very successful Pablo Held Trios. His solid but repeatedly surprising bass lines also help shape this quartet. His technical skills seem unlimited, even if he need not prove that anymore. This is already the seventh album for Double Moon Records, on which he has played.


Paul Wiltgen (drums)


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